In arrivo 1993 - Space Machine, uno shoot'em-up vecchio di 20 anni
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In arrivo 1993 - Space Machine, uno shoot'em-up vecchio di 20 anni
Questa notizia farà sicuramente felici i nostalgici che hanno posseduto un Amiga (come il sottoscritto!, NdR).

Nel 2014 verrà rilasciato "1993 - Space Machine", uno shoot'em-up per Amiga che non fu pubblicato proprio nel 1993. A quei tempo quattro giovani ragazzi svedesi stavano sviluppando questo titolo per il Commodore A moiga che, purtroppo, non fu mai pubblicato.

Dopo 20 anni Krister Karlsson, uno dei quattro sviluppatori ha ritrovato i vecchi Floppy Disc da 3.5 ed ha deciso di salvare il progetto (pronto al 95%) e di pubblicarlo nel...2014.

1993 - Space Machine è esattamente come era allora: nessuna modifica effettuata, 32 colori su schermo e quelle caratteristiche originali che l'Amiga aveva a quei tempi.

"Tutti gli elementi grafici sono pronti, solo il codice mancava. Ciò ha permesso di mantenere il gioco originale al 100%", dice Krister Karlsson, Game Designer del gioco, e continua: "L'unica cosa che ho aggiunto al gioco è un motore per farlo funzionate sui sistemi di oggi ed un titolo a cui abbiamo dato un senso".

Ecco a Voi il comunicato ufficiale sul gioco (in inglese):

"STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN - December 18. Once upon a time, 1993 to be exact, four teens from Sweden was developing their own side-scrolling shooter for the Commodore Amiga. Everything was great, the game was almost done, a publisher was secured and there was previews of the game in magazines made out of paper. The sun smiled at the group of four, until one day, a day when everything was caught up in teenage drama and the team was split up. This also meant the end of the game. It was boxed up, and placed in the back of some place where they stored stuff. Wish it was somewhere cool, but it wasn't.

Now, 20 years later, Krister Karlsson from the original four was going through things he should probably throw away if he's girlfriend had anything to say about it. He then found the 3,5 floppy that the game was saved on and decided to fire up his old computer and see if it still worked. And much like the 14 year, or however, old hamburger that was found by someone somewhere and was still eatable, the game was exactly as yummy as it was in 1993. Therefore Krister, you're on first name basis, decided that it was a big, huge, waste of time to develop the game to 95% and never release it.

1993 is NOT a new game designed to look old. 1993 is NOT an old game with updated graphics. 1993 was MADE IN 1993, and looks like games did in 1993. It' like having a time machine, It's 1993 in 2014.

"All graphics was done, and it was only code that was missing. That made it possible to keep the game 100% original". says Krister Karlsson, Game Designer at Modesty, and continues "The only thing added to the game is an engine that works on today's systems and a title that we felt made better sense".

And not to disappoint you, the big words you expect from a press release; 1993 has a whopping 32 colors and stereo sound!"

Sito Ufficiale:
Steam Greenlight:
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